Our app is a source of accurate test questions and answers that will help you pass the exam easily and quickly!The application includes 40 questions in free trial and 160 questions in full access with answers!The AWS SAP-C02 certification exam is a technical exam designed to certify professional proficiency in Amazon Web Services (AWS). It is especially useful for those looking to become certified in AWS deployment, management, and operations for SAP applications. The exam covers the core topics of the AWS Certified Solutions Architect – Professional level certification, such as designing and deploying secure and robust applications on the AWS platform, managing and operating AWS environments, and using the AWS services to identify and mitigate potential security risks.Application Features:• "Preparation" mode• Exam mode• Marathon mode• Search for questions• Adding to FavoritesAdvantages:• The application does not require an internet connection;• Tests are always "available".• Many modes of working!This test simulator will help you prepare and successfully pass the AWS (SAP-C02) 2024!